by Dennis Lamb | Oct 12, 2018 | Chimney Cap
All spring and summer you may not have given your fireplace a second thought, but now as temperatures drop, it’s time to think about chimney maintenance. In order for your fireplace to work well and your chimney to work efficiently, all the parts should be properly... by Dennis Lamb | Jun 7, 2017 | Animal Safety
Your chimney system has a specific purpose. It is to safely and efficiently vent your home’s fire heat. How well your chimney system works depends a lot on how well it’s properly maintained. Your chimney, when constructed, should be equipped with a... by Dennis Lamb | Aug 8, 2013 | Chimney Information, Chimney Maintenance, Fire Safety, Safe Burning, Uncategorized
Chimney Caps Are for More than Aesthetics Many people put chimney caps on their chimneys simply because they prefer the way it looks as opposed to an uncapped chimney. However, those who do not care about the aesthetics should still make sure they have a cap on their...