by Dennis Lamb | Aug 14, 2019 | Chimney Inspections
Your chimney system is one of the most important and vulnerable systems in your home. In order for your chimney system to keep working safely and efficiently, it’s important to have inspections annually by a certified professional. Chimney Inspections Chimney...
by Dennis Lamb | Jul 30, 2019 | Chimney Damper
Did you know there are things you can do today to start saving money right away? It doesn’t involve doing online surveys or clipping coupons. There are adjustments you can make within your own home to start saving now, and The Mad Hatter has all the information and...
by Dennis Lamb | Jul 10, 2019 | Chimney Maintenance, Chimney Repair
Summer is the time when people are not worrying about their fireplace. You don’t have to split firewood or carry ash out of the house. Summer is the time to relax, but it’s also the best time to schedule chimney repairs too. Why do the professionals prefer to complete...
by Dennis Lamb | Jun 27, 2019 | Chimney Cap, Uncategorized
When a chimney professional recommends a change, part, or repair it is for one reason: safety. As chimney professionals, our main goal is safety for the home, family, and community. This means that we strive to bring down instances of residential house fires. The best...
by Dennis Lamb | Jun 14, 2019 | Dryer Vent Maintenance, Dryer Vents
Nowadays, most homes have a clothes dryer unit. Families use them for convenience and to save money. Unfortunately, if you do not properly maintain them, these units can cost more money to operate and repair. It can also put your family and home at risk for dangers...